Unlock the content CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE "Wow, this lady is something else. She's getting Mr. Lowe to break his rules." As Debra and Drake strode to the center of the dance floor, Yvonne was struck dumb.
She recalled Drake's disdain for music and dancing. Yet there he was offering his hand swho Debra. ols Once they reached the dance floor,, really grantingthis yoDebra asked, "Mr. Lowe, are "I couldn't let you embarrass yourself. But don't expectto dance again." "Why not?" "Because I don't know how."
Debra's eyes widened in surprise. "You don't know how todañce, yet e you offeredyour hand?" "I had to save you from embarrassment."
dance, "But if you don't know how to dance, we're both going to yook foolish." "Dancing isn't the point. Who you dance with is what really matters." "What do you mean?"
Before Debra could fully process his words, Drake m Drake spun berout. After a few turns, she found herself back in his arms.