Unlock the content CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE "Worried? Nah. Just weighing if your offer's worth the gamble," Alton replied.
"You've been around long enough. Do you really trust his crew's loyalty? It's all about the Benjamins. Flash enough cash, and they'll jump ship," Walter said, all casual-like. Alton's eyebrow shot up.
Walter didn't feel like dragging it out. He stood up and said, "Think it over. If you're in, we're partners. If not, forget I was ever here. Later." Alton jumped up and called out, "Hold up." Walter paused, turned back with a grin. "Something else?" Alton was quiet for a sec, then said, "I'm in, but I can only hand over these two guys. I don't want a big mess; I hate ."
Walter's grin widened. "Looks like we're on the spage" he said. "I hate too." "So, we good? I'll set up a meet with those two, and the rest is on you," Alton said.
"Deal," Walter said, extending his hand. Just as Alton was about ton e shake it, Walter pulled back.
Alton's hand grabbed air, his face went stiff, but before he could blow up, Walter smiled, extended his hand again, and said, "Happy partnership."