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Married My Ex's Alpha Uncle by Aurora Starling

Chapter 167
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The corners of her plump lips tipped upwards into a smile as she gazed down at me. I realized that they were her hands that caressed my face and madefeel warm and loved.

"W...who are you?" I managed to find my voice after what felt like an eternity. "And where am I?" I asked, looking around at my gorgeous surroundings.

"You know who I am, Silver. Look within yourself," she said softly, motioning forto stand up.

The wolf who was once sleeping, lifted her head and was watching me. I slowly stood to my feet and stared at the woman in front of me, my heart thudding rapidly against my chest. As I looked at her, I realized I knew who she was, and my breathing hitched in my throat. "You're the Moon Goddess..." I whispered.

Her smile widened.

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"Yes, I am," she confirmed. "And you are my most prized child." "Me?" I asked, unable to hide my shock.

She nodded.

"Yes," she answered. "You are the savior. The one who is to restore the destruction that your brother causes." "My brother..." I whispered, staring down at the ground. "So, it's true that he is the cause of the destruction that Charlotte saw in her vision?" "I'm afraid so," she breathed. "But you are the one who restores it all." "What can I do?" I asked her, shaking my head. "I'm not special... I can't do anything to stop him. He's way more powerful than me." "That's where you are wrong, Silver. You have just as much power as he does, only you are filled with light, while he is filled with dark," she explained.

"I don't understand, Moon Goddess. Why is he filled with so much darkness? What happened in his life to cause this?" The Moon Goddess looked sad for a moment as she thought about it.

"He's faced shardships in his life," she finally said after a short while. "He was never able to overcthem, so he chose a different path in life. It was never meant to be that way, and it makesso sad to think about it. I failed him in more ways than I could count." I wrapped my arms around my body and stared at the ground as I let her words process in my mind.

"You must be warned, Silver. Your mate is in trouble. Your brother is seeking revenge against him and his family. Its because of his father that caused the unfortunate events to happen in your brother's life. He blames Elliot," The Moon Goddess told me.

I raised my brows at her, confused by her words.

"Mate?" I asked. "Elliot is my husband and Alpha, but he isn't my mate. I can't have a mate. I don't have a wolf," I clarified.

A sparkle of humor and maybe even delight shined in her deep blue eyes.

"Oh, but you are wrong. You do have a wolf, and you do have a mate. Someone I had given to you long before you met. It was fate that brought you together and fate that will seal you." "I have a wolf?" I asked in a whisper, my voice barely audible.

She nodded and glanced at the white wolf who had just stood to her feet. She began to walk towards me, almost hesitantly. Like she was afraid of what I might do if she got too close.

"She has always been inside of you, Silver. But she's been hidden away along with your powers. Your powers and wolf had been locked inside of you since the day you were born and because you never had proper guidance and training, those powers never truly manifested. They remained locked inside of you and they have been keeping your wolf locked away as well. Once your brother is defeated, his powers will combine with yours and it'll make you so powerful that your powers will have no choice but to cout full force, along with your wolf," she explained.

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"Are you saying Elliot is my mate?" I asked her, dumbfounded.

She chuckled.

"Is that the only thing you got from that?" She teased.

"I guess I'm just a little confused." She cupped my face in her hands and brought my gaze up to meet hers.

"You are my powerful daughter, and you will keep this world safe fromthe destruction your brother bestows upon it. You must keep faith in yourself and in your mate." I nodded as tears filled my eyes.

"I have so many more questions," I m whispered. "Do you have tto answer them?

"I'm afraid not. I must be leaving now," she told me. "All your questions will be answered within due time. Trust in yourself and trust in your mate," she repeated as she pressed her lips to my forehead. Her kiss was warm and spread across my entire body. I felt myself lighting up and white clouded my vision, blocking out all the views around me. I closed my eyes tiand allowed myself to be taken by the darkness. .
